New Years – New Beginnings!

New Year’s Resolutions from the Maskettes

The New Year is time for fresh starts, forget the regrets and move forward with positive thinking and high hopes. Here are some of the Maskettes goals and aims for the year ahead.



Have fun, enjoy London, tone up and make sure I run and do Yoga. Go home to Devon lots.



To learn something completely new, whether it be a language, a skill or something creative…I will have accomplished a new talent by the end of this year.

I would also like  to  get into my cooking more and start my own personal cookbook with some secret recipes, concocted by myself of course!



Learn to say no to people!

Relax and knit more – haven’t picked up my needles since May and have so many gifts to finish!


Fix my grandmothers sewing machine so I can amend my clothes as I stuck to me resolution last year and lost weight!  Also to make more things for friends and my home!


Aimi Gibbons – PR and Marketing

Be better with my money


Build my collection of  little gold accessories 🙂

alex monroe

Throw myself into any opportunity that comes my way in 2013.


Be more honest with people and be more healthier with my lifestyle aka Vitamins and supplements.



My New Year’s resolution this year has to be to go to the gym at least once a week and to help encourage this,  my  second resolution has to be to try and leave the office on time



My New years resolution is to chill out on the sweet eating- so many sweets over December events saw my addiction at its best. This resolution however will have to start once I have eater all the left over sweets.


On a more serious note, my other resolution is to use my role in sales to the best of my ability– and see loads of amazing venues and build up a good knowledge of great places in London.


To minimize the alcohol intake & drink more water as well as  to becoming  healthier and feeling better in myself!


Make time for friends and family more, because I don’t at the moment!

Make the most of my last six months at Mask.

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